About Us

The Government and the Australian People demand a great deal from our service women and men. Service life is quite unique which presents its own opportunities and challenges. RAAF Welfare Clubs are created so Commanders are able to foster motivation, energy, enthusiasm and mateship throughout our workforce in a social setting. This assists in developing leadership, morale, welfare and esprit-de-corps between Australian Defence Force personnel, Australian Public Servants and our Defence contracting partners better known as the Australian Defence Organisation (ADO) at our RAAF bases under the Chief of Air Force’s one team vision.

RAAF Williamtown Flying Club (RWFC) is a Welfare Club that strives to connect ADO personnel based in the Newcastle/Hunter region through the participation in General Aviation and the sharing of professional military and civil experience. RWFC was formed under the Defence Welfare organisation as a non-profit club and has a stable membership base of ADO and civilian membership. The Committee, Chief Flying Instructor and Club Instructors selflessly volunteer their personal time to allow our members to enter the world of General Aviation and we are incredibly grateful to have them. The club has a welcoming atmosphere supporting a open and generative safety culture. Our aim is to make flying professional, hassle-free and attainable.